The UCLA brand encompasses the work of many different people. When we all use the same elements, and speak with a shared voice, we can tell a more powerful story. Brand Guidelines is designed to help you tell this story more effectively — and harness the power of the UCLA brand in your work.
Start with the brand fundamentals, including the UCLA mission and key messages, as well as basic rules for accessibility and permissions.
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Consistent use of the campus logo, color palette and fonts makes it easier for our audiences to connect with our messages.

"咪蒙为写文章吃掉两吨小龙虾" - allchina.cn:2021-5-8 · 不过想要成为“爆款”,只凭结构、内容还不够。有1075万的超高粉丝量更保险,除此之外还要创造共鸣。毕竟有共鸣,才有转化率。怎样做?首先是要对文章进行精准定位,圈定品牌用户,圈定读者群 …

These additional resources will help you learn new skills, best practices and terminology.

All members of the UCLA family are welcome to explore this site. However, only UCLA faculty and staff (including student staff) may download assets, and the use of those assets is restricted to university business in accordance with brand guidelines and Policy 110. Individual students may be able to order business cards and to use UCLA marks on presentations and research posters. Authorized agencies and designers may be granted download privileges while working on UCLA projects. See Contact.